Talks and presentations
Invited Talks
The Elementary Theory of the $2$-Category of Small Categories - Masaryk University Algebra Seminar, June 5 2024. Abstract, Slides, Video
Models of Martin-Löf Type Theory and Algebraic Model Structures - University of Birmingham theoretical computer science seminar, May 17 2024. Abstract, Slides
The Elementary Theory of the $2$-Category of Small Categories - The University of Sheffield ShEAF seminar, March 12 2024. Abstract
The Elementary Theory of the $2$-Category of Small Categories - International Category Theory conference, June 25 2024. Poster
Homotopy Theory and Logic - British Mathematics Colloquium 2024, June 19th 2024. Slides
A Mathematical Interlude: Winning the Lottery with 27 tickets - Mathematics Students’ Research Conference 2023, September 29 2023. Abstract, Slides
The Elementary Theory of the $2$-Category of Small Categories - Mathematics Students’ Research Conference, September 27 2024. Awarded best pure mathematical poster presented. Poster
Selected Internal Talks
- Class $2$-categories - The University of Manchester Category Theory Seminar, November 8 2024. Abstract
- An Algebraic Folk Model Structure for Internal Categories - The University of Manchester Category Theory Seminar, November 27 2023. Abstract ,Slides
- The Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets - The University of Manchester Pure Postgraduate Seminar, November 24 2023. Abstract
- An Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory - The University of Manchester Pure Postgraduate Seminar, June 9 2023. Abstract
- Homotopy Type Theory Conference 2023 - The University of Manchester Category Theory Seminar, June 8 2023. Abstact
- A new model for dg-categories - The University of Manchester Category Theory Seminar, April 21 2023. Abstract
- Contractibility as Uniqueness- The University of Manchester Student Logic Seminar, January 23 2023. Abstract
- The Small Object Argument - The University of Manchester Category Theory Seminar, Novermber 17 2022. Abstract
- The Dold-Kan Correspondence - The University of Sheffield, May 4 2022. Abstract, Slides
- A Visual Introduction to Homology and Homotopy - The University of Sheffield Pizza Seminar, April 28 2022. Abstract, Slides