A PDF of my CV. Below is the shorter, but likely more up-to-date version.
- Third Year PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Nicola Gambino.
- Project Title: “The Effective Model Structure and $\infty$-groupoid objects in homotopy type theory”.
- Courses taken: Category Theory, Set Theory, Homological Algebra, Languages and Groups, Representation Theory of Groups, Model Theory, Enriched Category Theory.
- First Class honours MMath in Mathematics, the University of Sheffield 2022.
- Masters project: “The Dold-Kan Correspondence”, supervised by Prof. Sarah Whitehouse.
Work experience
- Summer 2020: Undergraduate Research Internship.
- Project title: “Simplicial Sets”
- The University of Sheffield
- This was a competitive position funded by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, and involved directed reading and working out some new examples of a classifying space of a group by myself.
- Supervisor: Dr. James Brotherston
- Summer 2021: Undergraduate Research Internship.
- Project title: “Dynamics of Linear Operators: Limit Sets in Finite Dimensions’’
- The London Mathematical Society
- This was a competitive UK-wide place to research a 2-month project. It involved using Python to make conjectures about pure maths, and then finding techniques to prove these conjectures about the limiting behaviour of linear operators on finite dimensional space.
- Supervisor: Dr. Dimitrios Roxanas
Preprints and Publications
Class $2$-categories
Talk at The Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Category Theory Seminar
Homotopy Theory and Logic
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, British Mathematical Colloquium
The Elementary Theory of the $2$-Category of Small Categories
Talk at Online, Masaryk University Algebra Seminar
Models of Martin-Löf Type Theory and Algebraic Model Structures
Talk at The University of Birmingham, The University of Birmingham, Theory Seminar
The Elementary Theory of the 2-Category of Small Categories
Talk at Hicks Building, The University of Sheffield, ShEAF seminar
The Elementary Theory of the 2-Category of Small Categories
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Pure Postgraduate Seminar
An Algebraic Folk Model Structure for Internal Categories
Talk at The Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Category Theory Seminar
The Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Student Logic Seminar
A Mathematical Interlude: Winning the Lottery with 27 tickets
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Mathematics Students' Research Conference 2023
An Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Pure Postgraduate seminar
Homotopy Type Theory Conference 2023
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Category Theory seminar
A new model for dg-categories
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Category Theory seminar
Contractibility as Uniqueness
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Student Logic Seminar
The Small Object Argument
Talk at Alan Turing Building, The University of Manchester, Category Theory Seminar
The Dold-Kan Correspondence
Talk at Hicks Building, The University of Sheffield
A Visual Introduction to Homology and Homotopy
Talk at Hicks Building, The University of Sheffield
I also made the Tikz Diagrams for the MATH 34011 lecture notes (Complex Analysis and Complex Analysis with applications).See them here
Organisational Activities
Created and maintain the website for the Manchester Category Theory Group
Local organiser for Categorical Logic and Higher Categories conference, The University of Manchester, 16-19th Decemeber 2024.
Mathematics Students’ Research Conference 2023 (29/09/2023) — I was on the organisational committee for this conference which had over 60 attendants. The organisation involved sourcing £1500 funding from two institutes (Heilbronn Institute of Pure Mathematics and The University of Manchester School of Mathematics), organising catering, speakers and a poster session.
Students’ Logic Seminar, The University of Manchester — This is a weekly seminar that runs in the mathematics department at the University of Manchester intended for PhD students in logic.
Topos Theory Reading Group — I co-organise a weekly reading group for topos theory and higher topos theory.
British Mathematics Colloquium 2024 — I helped out with the setup of the 75th BMC.
- I was part of the academic panel for MIMUC 2024, the Manchester Interdisciplinary Mathematics Undergraduate Conference. This involved answering students’ questions about academia and PhD life.
- In 2022, 2023, and 2024 I gave feedback on 30 minute talks that Manchester Masters’ students gave in preparation for the presentation component of their Masters’ Project module.
- I helped out with the Univeristy of Sheffield’s open days for the School of Mathematics and Statistics. This involved helping out on the open desks, chatting to people about what doing a maths degree was like, and giving a talk about my experience in the SURE internship scheme.
- 2022- I have made departmental coffee every Monday…